Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Let's Discuss... NaBloPoMo

Okay, it's November, which everyone know is NaBloPoMo as well as NaNoWriMo.I failed at NaNoWriMo every year, so I figure NaBloPoMo is the way to go.... Not much to say today... Haven't come across any inspiration for a little while unfortunately.... It's just a cleaning day in my household, the usual drag of everyday. Better than being in class right now, I suppose. That's all I've got for now.... Tttyl Loves ♥

Monday, October 31, 2011

Let's Discuss... How Stupid Sitting Home Is

It's Halloween, and I'm 16 years old. I should be out partying somewhere with not nearly enough costume on, chilling with friends, doing something illegal, or at least handing out candy.... But instead of doing any of these, I'm sitting at home thinking about the upcoming NaBloPoMo. I feel like the biggest loser on Earth. And the saddest thing is, over the past few weeks I've had Halloween plans, backup plans, backup plans for those backup plans, etc, etc. But EVERY SINGLE one of the plans fell through. I can't even trick-or-treat with my boyfriend anymore, since it's "Double XP weekend on COD, Modern Warfare 2." *UGHHH!!!!*

Monday, August 22, 2011

Let's Discuss... The Upcoming School Year

Sooo.... It's a week before the first week of school, and for a 16 year old, I'm pretty psyched. I like knowing that I have somewhere to be very day, and that during that time I'll be improving upon myself while still being able to have fun and be around my friends. Plus, I'm in all Honors classes this year, which is awesome, because I like to challenge myself. Of course, I could've taken AP classes; some of my teachers recommended me for them. But I hate feeling overwhelmed. It makes my stress levels skyrocket. That is something I'm trying to avoid this year, for I had far too much of it last year. Well, I'm super excited, and I figures I should post it since I haven't blogged in a while. So yeah, just saying.... ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Let's Discuss... Beautiful mornings

What is a beautiful morning? Define it for me. Is it when the weather is nice and you can stand on your porch drinking your coffee and watching the sunrise? Or is it when the snow is coming down just enough that you don't dare venturing to work, so you curl up on the couch in your Snuggie with a great book and possibly a kitten purring at your feet? Or maybe it's a brisk autumn morning, before the rest of the world rises from their slumber, and you feel like going for a jog. Or maybe for some people, a beautiful morning is whenever they get to creep into their children's bedrooms and kiss them goodbye before they leave for work. And still others believe that a beautiful morning occurs whenever they wake up to see the sun shining onto their loved one's face.

All of these definitions are true, depending on who you ask. To me, this morning, this beautiful morning, is made up of waking up in someone else's home, remembering the fun I had with friends, and who I consider family, last night. Knowing that there's Jelly Bellys waiting for me whenever I am ready for them, and being able to blog on such a beautiful morning. So, with that said, Good Morning.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Let's Discuss... Sesame Street

GO SESAME STREET!!!!!!! I salute you for standing up against those politically correct Nazis!!! For a while now, the public has been pushing the beloved children's show Sesame Street to make the famous roommates/best friends Bert and Ernie a homosexual relationship. Recently, the Sesame Street website has posted their answer to the public : "Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves... Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics... They remain puppets and do not have a sexual orientaion."

Please do not misunderstand me. I support those who decide to be homosexual, bisexual, etc. I just believe that if these characters have simply been friends since the start of whenever they were put on the show, why change them now. Why do children that young need to be introduced to different sexual orientations. They will be introduced with time. Would the public like to introduce sex to preschoolers? How about religion? Economic and political issues? Is that being forced into children's shows? These kids are too young to fully understand any of these concepts. All things will come in time, and I think people will need to chill with this. I mean, come on, you've already ruined cookie monster. Just stop.

Let's Discuss... The Stupid School Board

Okay, so I was just watching the news when a story about a substitute teacher who recently got fired from her job because she allegedly struck a student. I am enraged. This woman has been working with that school system for a very long time and she had a good reputation, and yet on the first accusation of abuse from a trouble-making student, she gets the boot. If this girl didn't like this teacher, she could've easily made up the story, already had a bruise on her arm (we're kids, we get bruises all the time), and gotten this innocent teacher in trouble. The saddest part of this is that most people think that kids these days would be above getting an authority figure they didn't like fired, but they're really not. Kids these days have been jaded to how much an action like this could affect the victim's life, and even if they do realize how much this could hurt the teacher, sometimes they don't even care.

Now I'm not saying that this child is a horrible, heartless person; nor am I saying that this teacher is definitely innocent. I don't know for sure, I wasn't there, so how could I be. This is just my perception of how things usually go, and I find it infuriating about how such a little thing can make someone's life come crashing down on them.

If the teacher is found to be innocent, I believe that she should receive a public apology, her job reinstated, and another news story put out into the public restoring her reputation.

Let's Discuss... Watermelons

I'm eating watermelon by the computer as I scan through my Facebook, contemplating on the silly myths created by random people about watermelons. I mean, some of these are ridiculous. Like the ever-famous racist joke about how black people love to eat watermelon, I mean COME ON PEOPLE!!! Do we, as a society, really have nothing better to do with our lives than pick on a poor helpless, nevertheless delicious, fruit. I don't understand why black people have to enjoy it more than any other ethnicity. I'm a little white chick, and I love watermelon. My Puerto Rican friends and my Asian friends all enjoy watermelon.... So why is it that black people are singled out by this joke? If anyone knows the origin of this myth/legend/joke/whateveryouwannacallit, feel free to let me know at kittykat129@verizon.net (apologies about the email address, I made it when I was nine years old, when calling myself a kittycat was a completely innocent notion).

Another silly saying about watermelons is the one saying "Don't eat the black seeds!" Why can't I eat the black seeds? They taste the exact same as the white ones, and they seem just as harmless. I remember watching the Rugrats as a little girl, the episode when Chucky eats a black seed and they all believe that a watermelon is growing inside of his stomach. That episode terrified me for a very, very long time. Whenever my mom picked up watermelons that had the black seeds in it (she normally picked up the seedless ones) I would meticulously pick out every last black seed until I was positive there were no more to be found.

One interesting thing I have recently found out about watermelons is that the smaller, less popular variety of watermelons are, in fact, much sweeter than their larger cousins. I've been told this a couple times before, though I didn't really believe why it would be true. It is, however, very true. You will rarely find a small watermelon to be bitter or bland which are often found to be bad habits of the larger kinds.

Sooo yeah, watermelons are delicious. End of story. :p

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let's Discuss... Cooking

 I made supper for my family tonight. Nothing fancy, just hot dogs with macaroni and cheese. Sounds simple, right? Wrong. I am not a mutitasker. I repeat, am NOT a multitasker. Nothing could be more difficult for me than to think about more than one pan of food at once. This sounds ridiculous especially to me since I am a musician. I have to be constantly thinking about my intonation, posture, tempo, dynamic, balance, embouchure,etc. And as a dancer, I have to be constantly mindful of my balance, foot and upper body placement, which muscles to flex and which to not, etc. But those are somehow different. I can think about all of those things all together without effort, while watching over two pots on the stove completely overwhelms me. It's pathetic, I know. Any culinary multitaskers out there, I have the HIGHEST respect for you. Yes, you. Because I could never do what you guys do every day. And so, I salute you. Without you men and women, I would almost certainly die of starvation.