What is a beautiful morning? Define it for me. Is it when the weather is nice and you can stand on your porch drinking your coffee and watching the sunrise? Or is it when the snow is coming down just enough that you don't dare venturing to work, so you curl up on the couch in your Snuggie with a great book and possibly a kitten purring at your feet? Or maybe it's a brisk autumn morning, before the rest of the world rises from their slumber, and you feel like going for a jog. Or maybe for some people, a beautiful morning is whenever they get to creep into their children's bedrooms and kiss them goodbye before they leave for work. And still others believe that a beautiful morning occurs whenever they wake up to see the sun shining onto their loved one's face.
All of these definitions are true, depending on who you ask. To me, this morning, this beautiful morning, is made up of waking up in someone else's home, remembering the fun I had with friends, and who I consider family, last night. Knowing that there's Jelly Bellys waiting for me whenever I am ready for them, and being able to blog on such a beautiful morning. So, with that said, Good Morning.
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