Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let's Discuss... Cooking

 I made supper for my family tonight. Nothing fancy, just hot dogs with macaroni and cheese. Sounds simple, right? Wrong. I am not a mutitasker. I repeat, am NOT a multitasker. Nothing could be more difficult for me than to think about more than one pan of food at once. This sounds ridiculous especially to me since I am a musician. I have to be constantly thinking about my intonation, posture, tempo, dynamic, balance, embouchure,etc. And as a dancer, I have to be constantly mindful of my balance, foot and upper body placement, which muscles to flex and which to not, etc. But those are somehow different. I can think about all of those things all together without effort, while watching over two pots on the stove completely overwhelms me. It's pathetic, I know. Any culinary multitaskers out there, I have the HIGHEST respect for you. Yes, you. Because I could never do what you guys do every day. And so, I salute you. Without you men and women, I would almost certainly die of starvation.